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Maier Tree Care Logo
Maier Tree Care Logo

Injecting Technology,

Preserving Ecology

One Tree At A Time

Tree Injection Needle

Our tree injection technology

uses chemicals you can trust while

being highly effective.

Act Now, Don't React Later!

Insect & Disease Control

Treatment Options: Soil/Injection/Spray

Our well-trained staff has preventative and curative treatments to stop the impact of insects and diseases that threaten your trees. ​​Click the tabs below to learn more:

    • Oak Wilt

    • Bur Oak Blight

    • Dutch Elm Disease

    • Verticillium Wilt

    • Needle Fungus Diseases

    • Apple Scab

    • Bacteria Fire Blight

    • Leaf Fungus Infections

    • Canker Infections

    • Iron Chlorosis

    • Emerald Ash Borer

    • Two-Line Chestnut Borer

    • Japanese Beetles

    • Spider Mites

    • Bag Worms

    • Pine Zimmerman Moth

    • Pine Adelgids

    • Pine Needle Scale

    • Pine Saw Fly Larva

    • Oyster Scale

    • Lace Bugs

    • Bark Beetles

    • Wilting Leaves, or Needles

    • Die Back in Crown

    • Flagging in Top of Tree (Oak/Elms.)

    • Excessive Sucker Growth

    • Browning or Discoloration of Foliage (Leaves or Needles)

    • Holes in Leaves

    • Dropping of Leaves or Needles

    • Stunted Leaf or Needle Growth

    • D Shaped Holes in Bark

    • Bark Cracking or Peeling

Insects that invade trees


Physical Repair

Repair Options: Cables/Rods/Braces

We have the proper tools and materials to repair your trees. We will restore your trees from splits, cracks, or breaks.

Example of Tree Repair Work

Ferti-Feed Deep Root Tree Fertilizer

Deep root injection with unique blend of essential nutrients to help your tree(s) thrive. Which includes all macro and micro nutrients, and bio-stimulant.

Tree tags

We tag trees upon request or when required to for treatment and monitoring their progress.

Tree Trimming & More

Complete tree trimming includes:

• Shaping

• Canopy Elevation

• Insect & Diseases Eradication

• Removal of Dead Wood

or Damaged Limbs

Windsor Heights Luthern Church Trees

Branch Out

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About us:

At Maier Tree Care, we are state

licensed and certified in all micro injection procedures to keep and help make your trees healthy. We transform and help preserve ecology by our injecting technology. We offer complete tree care that will work effectively for your house, business, or land in the central Iowa area.

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